Where are the tout !!!!!

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Re: Where are the tout !!!!!

Post by kanutripr » Fri Mar 25, 2011 9:32 am

Mr Otter. Bravo!!

Can I get a signed copy?

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Re: Where are the tout !!!!!

Post by William Anderson » Fri Mar 25, 2011 10:05 am

Norman, you're a riot. I like that our minds work in similar ways. I do drift off sometimes with the constant sound of riffles louder than you remember, and the smell of spring mosses and ferns on my hands from sliding down into position to watch and enjoy the moment before deciding how to proceed. Great story and I can only say thanks for taking us all to that place while we're all waiting for Spring make this a non-fiction. I particularly like the part where my wife, Gabrielle, brings me a cup of coffee. And then offers to make sandwiches? At that point you're taking fiction to a new level. How did you know she calls me Will?

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Re: Where are the tout !!!!!

Post by Otter » Fri Mar 25, 2011 12:43 pm

William arrived at the river with a calmness that only comes after doing the mundane tasks such as fixing fences or tidying up the garage. The little pack of sandwiches were carefully placed in the inside pocket of his wading jacket alongside the little slice of homemade fudge cake, Gabrielle never ceased to surprise. He smiled as he slowly tackled up, one of the kids had shouted after him " catch a big one dad, one as big as Hanks". Children have that special talent of incessantly putting their parents under pressure, William dare not fail, not this time, especially not this time.

As William sat on the boulder he had a feeling of deja vu, he somehow sensed that he had been here already this season, yet this was his first outing. Opening his fly box, the newly tied brassie soft hackle caught his eye, I wonder he thought, its early season and the trout will be down deep, "yeah....why not" he said out loud. A brassie on the point and a smaller brassie on the dropper, that should do the trick and just in case he used 5X leader rather than 6x.

William started on some barren water just to get his casting going. The first cast was perfect, as was the second and the third. "Heck this weird, it usually takes me outing or two to find the rhythmn, I must be getting good at this fly fishing". For no particular reason William waded quickly towards the inside riffle.

Taking up position, William noted the currents , adjusted himself a few yards instream and readied to cast. The line floated out and the leader turned over perfectly, a quick upstream mend and the brassies drifted back perfectly but unmolested. A rustle in the bankside vegetation startled william and slowly a human form appeared. Hi said the stranger, I'm Lykos, sorry to scare you but I thought you should know that I fished that spot for two hours and caught nothing. " Lykos !!!, that name sounds familar, I'm William". "William, not William Anderson stuttered Lykos, I am so sorry , I thought you would be fixing fences all day. I had to find out how big that trout was" Both anglers stared at each other and burst out laughing. I guess we will never know said William.

They retreated to the boulder. Lykos took out his flask,William his sandwiches and for the next hour or so they shared stories of great trout , swapped flies and told a few white lies as all anglers are prone to do. As they stared at the river they heard another angler splashing down the riffle. God, its busy here today thought William, I usually have the place to myself. " I wonder did he have better luck than us said Lykos.

As the angler came closer they realised that he was a she. "Hello lads , god I'm whacked I have been out for hours she announced , too much tv over the winter"
Hi the lads said in unison, any luck ?

Just one she replied with a beaming smile, a little one of about 4lbs. Caught it up there , she pointed to the inside riffle , on a little brassie soft hackle on my first cast. I always try and get to the river early, the early bird catches the worm or so they say. By the way my names Vicki, who are you guys, any luck.

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Re: Where are the tout !!!!!

Post by kanutripr » Fri Mar 25, 2011 1:23 pm

Nice! :D

Hey is there a hidden camera here in my living room? :? It's all fishing channel and history channel, honest.

I love the story. Keep it going!!

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Re: Where are the tout !!!!!

Post by hankaye » Fri Mar 25, 2011 6:34 pm

Howdy All;

Dub-Ya, Lykos, ya'll have to remember mine broke off. Vicki is the onlyest one holding a fish. :shock:

As it stands the three of us; 0, goose egg, nada, zip, zero, zilch, blanked, whatever else you can think of in any language..... :evil:

Wooped by Vicki and she were probably using her brandy new bamboo rod (first cast first try), I hang my head oh woe are me... :cry:

bummed hank ..... :lol:
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Re: Where are the tout !!!!!

Post by Otter » Sat Mar 26, 2011 5:30 pm

Back to more factual matters on the subject of where are the Trout ( or tout as i posted in error)

The inside Riffle where Vicki caught Williams trout, what the hell is an inside riffle you may ask.

To be honest its a name I have for a very special piece of water. I bet there are some inside riffles on your river and you may be completely unaware of them. These inside riffles as I call them are those tiny riffles that occur on your side of the river, in the barren water that everyone wades through without so much as a cast. They are like orphans dumped within a flatish piece of water , with the best holding water on the far bank, and usually a skinny featureless mid river zone.

What makes these places special is that they generally only hold a few parr or a 6 incher. For some though, at a particular height of water in summer conditions they can become a mecca for good trout and occasionally for a great trout. I can only hazard a guess that a lot of stuff that has become trapped in the slack water above gets funneled into this little riffle. It is slightly more oxygenated than the water around it and when it hits the right height it provides the perfect balance of cover and a solid conveyor belt of very vulnerable if not already dead food that is easy pickings for wily trout.

What is fascinating about these little spots is the uncertainty , the angler has no idea if he is fishing dead water or in with a chance of a good if not exceptional trout. Some of my best river trout have come from the most unexpected of places and the more one investigates these places and think about it you invariably conclude that you should not be surprised. Big trout are big because they have learned to find these small but profitable feeding places, generally safe from anglers and though occasionally disturbed they simply glide away into deeper water.

The next time you fish your river take note of such spots, pick a half dozen or so and make them a target for investigation for the coming season. One day, you may be very well rewarded with more than you bargained for. On one occasion for me it was 11 trout from a three yard square inside riffle, 3 over 1lb and one I estimated at between 4 and 4 1/2 lbs.
It may take years to be on one of these at the right time and that's half the fun. !!!!!!! From the twenty following times I fished it I only hooked one other trout, but it too was a good one of about 2lbs that came free at the net. I have only discovered a few such spots that have yielded me fish but I know some others are likely to. Its a case of right place , right time - but if you are unaware of the possibilites of such spots then they can never yield you a great trout.

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Re: Where are the tout !!!!!

Post by hankaye » Sat Mar 26, 2011 6:11 pm

Otter, Howdy;

Thanks for the insight .....truly something for me to keep in the back of my mine...
just have to remember to smack my self on the back of the head occasionaly to keep the mind refreshed :)

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Re: Where are the tout !!!!!

Post by kanutripr » Sat Mar 26, 2011 7:49 pm

Those little inside riffles can be a whole load of fun. There are a few on one of my favourite streams that have a lot of overhanging cedars. It's always a fun challenge to put a little dry in there without scaring the fish. Then when it lands just right and you've got half a dozen little brookies doing acrobatics to be the first one there WOWZA! A whole lotta fun whether you actually bring one of them in or not!

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Re: Where are the tout !!!!!

Post by William Anderson » Sat Mar 26, 2011 10:16 pm

This is a fantastic thread. Thanks Otter for all the insight and laughs. I will say though...I have a pocket full of swap flies that are amazing and I won't be outfished by Vicki again. By the way, the one you landed has a big brother, but I'm not saying where.

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Re: Where are the tout !!!!!

Post by Otter » Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:02 am

William Anderson wrote: By the way, the one you landed has a big brother, but I'm not saying where.
And neither am I ....... well not to-day :)
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