Pop Series Flies

Moderators: William Anderson, letumgo


Re: Pop Series Flies

Post by DUBBN » Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:38 pm

tie2fish wrote:
michaelgmcgraw wrote:Great Post Dubbn!
I'll say "Yay" to that!

Thanks for the compliment you two! :oops:

Re: Pop Series Flies

Post by DUBBN » Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:41 pm

Reinforced and RELOADED!!!!

After some of the discussion on floss bodys, and reinforcing with wire, I decided to do just that.
Heres the flies with the variation. I tyed a half dozen Red, and a half dozen Orange for my trip to the Eagle River next weekend.
I tyed the Red body flies with the light Partridge, and the Orange body's with the Brown Partridge. On both patterns I tyed a few up heavy hackled (three turns of hackle)), and a few lightly hackled (one turn of hackle).

I really doubt it will make one bit of difference to me. After all, I owe all my angling success to.......targeting the stupid fish! ;)


That reminds me. I need some more Caddis Pupa for that trip.
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Re: Pop Series Flies

Post by letumgo » Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:58 pm

Those look great, Wayne. What hook are you using? I really like the look of the longer body. The combination of the taper and the wire ribbing are excellent improvements to the pattern. I wonder what these would look like on a long curved hook?

On, your stonefly photos have really gotten into my head. I want to come up with a big and ugly soft hackle imitation. But then again there are already some killer nymph patterns (for example Charlie Brooks' stonefly nymph, Randy Koffman's stonefly nymph).
Ray (letumgo)----<°))))))><
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Re: Pop Series Flies

Post by DUBBN » Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:56 pm

Ray, this is the pattern I developed quite a few years ago to fish the Stones here on my home waters. It is tyed on a Mustad 79580 Streamer hook. I gave up on the curved hooks awhile ago. I am not convinced they come loose from a fish's mouth faster than a straight shank, but I guess it's a confidence thing for me. I tie them mostly on a size 10 to size 6, but go all the way up to a size 2. Size 10 to 6 is a bit smaller than the Giant Stone nymphs, but I feel it covers the other Stone nymphs (Golden, Little Black, and Skwala) that are present in my rivers quite nicely. I start using them around St. Pattys Day. Seems like the Nymphs are stirring around more as the water warms a bit. I use them till, well now, when the runoff starts to subside and the other hatch's are starting. Caddis, Baetis, etc.

Rarely do I have high number fish days on these patterns, but on the Freestone Rivers, this pattern usually accounts for the largest fish of the season for me.

Hook - Mustad 79580 sizes 10 - 2
Thread - Olive Dun, but use what you like. I do
Dubbing Ball - Kaufmans Brown Stone Dubbing
Tail - Gold Goose Biots Forked (Brown and Black are more popular)
Thorax - On each side of the hook lay 30lb Mono (gonna try some 60lb) along side. Tie it in, and it makes a nifty flat thorax. Use Lead wire if you like. Wrap D rib over to make the thorax. The pic has Olive/Brown, but I also use Black, Brown, Amber, and even Red.
Abdomen- Kaufmans Brown Stone Dubbing
Wingcase - Pheasant, Turkey, or Thinskin. I prefer Pheasant
Underwing (legs)- Brown Partridge



Re: Pop Series Flies

Post by DUBBN » Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:37 pm

Reverse the ingredients for the thorax and the abdomen..I was sipping the Purple Koolade! Got an anatomy lesson in the process too! :oops: Kinda like at Parent Teachers confrence. "Excuse me Wayne your fly is unzipped". "Sorry Miss, right out of college, and right off the volleyball team, and modeled bikinis in the summer for extra money, and my sons first grade teacher. Nothing like a first impression".
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Re: Pop Series Flies

Post by letumgo » Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:13 pm

:lol: You would be a lot of fun to fish with. I cracking up over here.

That is one hell of a stone fly imitation. I need to tye some of these in a golden/yellow shade for the local stoneflies. There are some beautiful golden stones on the Cattaraugus (western New York tributary which runs into Lake Erie) in the late spring/early summer.

Great photos by the way. You really getting the hang of the macro photography.
Ray (letumgo)----<°))))))><
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Re: Pop Series Flies

Post by willowhead » Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:19 pm

The photos ARE very nice.........and so is the tying and the flies.........and the Cattaraugus aint bad either. :D
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Re: Pop Series Flies

Post by William Anderson » Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:14 pm

Wayne, I'm sorry I'm just getting to this. Every time I step away for a couple days (extended family in town this time), I miss out on all kinds of stuff. This is one of the best posts on the board. Brilliant tying and I love all the pics. Great report.
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Re: Pop Series Flies

Post by DUBBN » Fri Jul 29, 2011 5:08 pm

Thank you Mr. Anderson. That means alot . Hopefully the trout of the Eagle River will be as impressed of my ties. I am packed and ready to go first thing in the morning.
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Re: Pop Series Flies

Post by willowhead » Sat Jul 30, 2011 2:30 am

Good luck and be careful Wayne.......... ;)
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