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Re: Wax on, Wax Off

Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:04 pm
by chase creek
Jeff - I think you may have come up with a solution for the tacky buildup on blocks.
Use a gluestick, and when the need to clean the block arises, just lick it clean. :D
OK, I'll go to my room now. :roll:

And you're right. :lol: There is a learning curve associated with spun bodies. I have dabbled with blocks off and on that I have crafted (BOY, is that stretching it!) from wood scraps, etc. But have mostly used the drop loop method. I find it is so much easier to come up with consistent bodies on a block because of more control with the dubbing placement. I'm trying to learn how to combine the abdomen and thorax in one loop now.