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Re: Stewart`s Black Spider

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:33 pm
by brian ramsey
Great article about Stewart's spiders. I just joined this forum a few days ago and I wished I'd joined a long time a ago. This site will help my learning curve on fishing these traditonal and killing methods. Do you ever fish the Baby Sun fly? I think it's a soft-hackle, that not many people know about. I just tied some Usk Nailers with bronze mallard that should work very well. Spiders I think may be one of the most crucial series of flies ever developed.
Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Tight Loops,
Brian Ramsey
Bozeman, MT

Re: Stewart`s Black Spider

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:40 am
by brian ramsey
How about the Emperial?...purple silk and maybe bronze mallard for substitute of Heron hearl?
and two: the Sepia Dun...can I convert it to a soft hackle? What's the proper hackle colors? I'm very intrigued with U.K. pattern of the past that are still deadly to fish. I fish the Henry's Fork a lot and I think these flies would work as long as I stick to localized color schemes...I think Oliver Kite used these patterns, can't remember, but it was way before my time.
There's so many great U.K. traditional wets I'd like to learn about, like the Bibio,Black Pennell, Kate Mc Klaren,invicta, there a book on some of these?

Brian Ramsey