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A Six Pack of Tan Flymphs...

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 9:07 pm
A Six Pack of Tan Flymphs 139.JPG
A Six Pack of Tan Flymphs 139.JPG (84.29 KiB) Viewed 6409 times
Good Evening Everybody!
I have recently rediscovered the famous "Tan Flymph" that I tied years ago and had such great sucess in fishing it! I concentrated on bringing the ingredients together as I remembered them and even made a few modifications that look (I think) terrific! The recipe will follow soon so please enjoy!
Spending more time in the den,

Re: A Six Pack of Tan Flymphs...

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 4:22 am
by Johnno
Ahh. Glanrhos style!! Nice..

Re: A Six Pack of Tan Flymphs...

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 8:18 am
by tie2fish
You have nailed the genre once again, Doug. Lovely flymphs to be sure.

Re: A Six Pack of Tan Flymphs...

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 10:48 am
by hankaye

Nicely tyed Doug! Also a fine job of posting the pix as well. Keep up this pace
and it'll be difficult keeping you on the farm :? , :) .


Re: A Six Pack of Tan Flymphs...

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 12:37 pm
by Ruard
Hi Doug,

Nice pictures and even moore likely are the flymphs.



Re: A Six Pack of Tan Flymphs...

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:03 pm
Thanks Guys!
Johnno.....You recognized the style! I picked up this little trick from our late friend Sylvester Nemes in the second book of his "trilogy", The Soft-Hackled Fly Addict! It is not as easy (for me that is) as it seems! I have found that the hackle tip has to come around the hook shank in just the right way to land on top of the hook. To get it to set in a decent angle, there has to be just the right thread tension and the tip has to be fairly even with the length of the hook, not twisted too much left or right. I usually hit it right about every fifth of sixth pattern. If things literally fall apart (appearance wise), you just nip off the offending tip and make it a true wingless wet fly (flymph)!
Bill and Hank and Ruard....Thanks as always for your kind words! They mean a lot to me coming from world class tiers and gentlemen as you guys are! As always, I have a bunch of catching up to do just to be in the same league as you-all!
I am thinking strongly of a blue-winged olive flymph that I again, tied many years ago and also had some pretty good success! This shall be the next project! Stay tuned for further postings!

Re: A Six Pack of Tan Flymphs...

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 10:09 am
by letumgo
Glanrhos Flymphs! Love it! I look forward to hearing the detailed pattern recipe. Come on...spill your secrets... :D ;)

Discussion Question:

Does it really matter where the Glanrhos style wing ends up on the pattern? Flymph are generally tyed in-the-round, so would it matter which clock position they ended up?

Re: A Six Pack of Tan Flymphs...

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 10:59 am
by Roadkill
Nice ties!!
Does it really matter where the Glanrhos style wing ends up on the pattern? Flymph are generally tyed in-the-round, so would it matter which clock position they ended up?
Only if you are trying to tie wingless wets! ;)

Re: A Six Pack of Tan Flymphs...

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 2:29 pm
by redietz
letumgo wrote: Discussion Question:

Does it really matter where the Glanrhos style wing ends up on the pattern? Flymph are generally tyed in-the-round, so would it matter which clock position they ended up?
Great question. Here's my take: no fly tied on an actual hook is really "in the round" -- or at least not symmetrical, because the fly is going to tend to ride point/barb part of the fly down. There's always going to be an Up and a Down. Leaving the wing out to the side would result in a different fly. It's possible that it may be more effective that way, especially if you added floatant and fished it as a cripple, but it would still be a different fly.

Re: A Six Pack of Tan Flymphs...

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2016 4:20 pm
by daringduffer

What if you tie in the tip first, and the wrap the hackle? Have you tried that?
