Hares Ear and Partridge

Moderators: William Anderson, letumgo

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Re: Hares Ear and Partridge

Post by joaniebo » Tue Nov 20, 2018 10:26 am

I tie LOTS of flies using Hare's Ear dubbings and Partridge hackles! One of my favorites is a variation of Edmonds' & Lee's 8b March March, where I use dyed red Hare's Ear and gold wire rib (as in the E & L dressings), but I sub grey partridge hackles instead of Snipe Rump hackles.

Awhile back, I purchased bags of dyed parirdge hackles from Cookshill in various shades of yellows, olives, etc. and using these hackles and matching Hare's Ear, squirrel, fox, etc. dubbings, there's pretty much and endless variety of flies that can be tied.

Same goes for using natural and dyed pheasant tails for body materials and using partridge, starling, furnace, Cree, etc. hackles - a lot more flies can be made.
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