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A Couple of Questions

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:15 pm
by service tech
I am new to this site, I be familiar to some of you from a few other forums. I am going to start to tie some spiders and wingless wets. I have a few questions. First, what is the difference between silk and floss? Also can regular silk thread be used like the pearsalls? As in vintage thread? How about embroidery silk thread? Thanks to any who can answer my questions.

Re: A Couple of Questions

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:56 pm
by letumgo
Hey, welcome aboard Service Tech. Quite a few of the guys that post on the Fly Tying Forum also contribute to this site (Soft-Hackle, VERN-O, Bruce C, etc.)

I will take a stab at answering your questions:

What is the difference between silk and floss?
- Silk is a natural material made from by silk worms, while flosses are a man-made fiber (like Rayon). They can both be used for creating soft hackle flies, wingless wets, flymphs, etc. If you look through the fly patterns posted here, you will see examples tyed with all sorts of material.
Can regular silk thread be used like the Pearsall's?
- Yes. I think what your asking about is commonly referred to as buttonhole twist (silk thread used for sewing). It is often called for in the older patterns.
As in vintage thread?
- I don't quite understand this question. If you have vintage silk thread I am sure it can be used to create these flies.
How about embroidery silk thread?
- Yup! Embroidery silk thread will work fine too, as will the different types of embroidery floss (the stuff you can find at JoAnne Fabrics, Michaels, or Walmart).

Wait until you see some of the materials that Han's uses to create some of his beautiful flies (the materials from bags of tangerines and onions were a recent example). The traditional patterns generally use Pearsall's silk, button hole twist, and natural furs (hares ear, mole, etc.). But you will find lot of examples that use a seemingly endless range of materials (UNI Yarn, Ice Dubbing, copper wire, biots, etc.). Same goes for hackling materials.

Anyways, welcome aboard. I look forward to your participation.

Re: A Couple of Questions

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:02 pm
by service tech
Thank you very much Ray. I do have alot of the materials in the way of wire and natural furs etc., I was confused about the thread most often used. You have answered my questions very well.

Re: A Couple of Questions

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:18 pm
by Soft-hackle
Hi service tech,
I would not use Buttonhole twist or regular silk thread for the actual tying. It may be too large. You can use it for bodies, for sure. Different kinds of flosses can be used for bodies as well. Silk floss like Pearsall's Marabou floss is good, but other silk flosses and threads work as well on bodies. Pearsall's Gossamer thread is the best silk for actually tying with as it is made for that.

Other tying threads can be used for tying these flies, of course, but Pearsall's is traditional. Look at the flies in the forum on "Fly Dressings". You will find many flies not tied with silk, and many that use silk flosses and Gossamer. If I can help in any way, ask.


Re: A Couple of Questions

Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:20 pm
by Liam
If you are new to this check out Oliver Edward's DVD Wet Fly Fishing on Rivers and the following links: ... 00pritrich ... 00edmorich

These are the two bibles on these flies and are as important today as ever. Hope this helps.

Re: A Couple of Questions

Posted: Wed Feb 25, 2009 10:53 am
by daringduffer
I hope that Donald Nicolson will arrive to the new forum soon. He has a lot to teach about silk. On his own site he has colour charts on both Pearsall, Gutermann and Seta Reale silk.